When Internet was novel to consumers, everyone was obsessed with email and its ability to connect people to one another. Everyone would rush back to their computers to check their AOL accounts to check if they got the infamous “You’ve Got Mail” ping.

Nearly 20 years later, with a new social media app popping up every minute that promises stronger connections to your audience, email marketing is still one of the most effective business communications tools.

Email marketing still has major impact in the modern business world, however, it is one of the most ill-used platforms for content sharing. Your customers (and I’m sure you at some point) have been subscribed to some email list which continuously spammed you with irrelevant content. Perhaps you rolled your eyes when getting the long-winded email from a colleague. It is essential to utilize email the right way to keep your customers.

Effective Email Marketing Strategy

  • Consistent email contact
  • Short and to-the-point content
  • Targeted, relevant email based on your prospect’s or customer’s buying habits
  • Differentiate your company from competitors by highlighting strengths
  • Compelling call-to-action to encourage reader to take action
  • The ability to move your prospect deeper through the sales cycle

Daunted with the task of sending your monthly newsletter? Not seeing ROI from your current email marketing strategy? We help bridge the content gap and connect your manufacturing company with your prospects and customers. We create a custom content strategy, written from the perspective of your buyer’s persona and get better intelligence on your prospects. It’s more than the opens and clicks you might see from programs like MailChimp and Constant Contact.

We help you nurture your leads through the sales funnel with better behavior tracking and allow you to engage with your current customers more effectively.  Do not underestimate the power of email.

Looking to improve your email marketing strategy? Contact us.


According to a study done by Pew Research Center, roughly 88% of smartphone owners used email on their phone at least once over the course of a week, making email more widely-used than social networking, watching video, or using maps and navigation on their smart phones.

Seriously now, who checks email just once a week; more like one an hour!

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