Entries by Rob Felber

>A Coke, M&M’s… or an iPod?

>On the way out of Summit Mall last night, something a bit different caught my eye. Just inside Macy’s entrance from the mall was an iPod vending machine. A what?? Macy’s department stores have installed these iPod vending machines inside 400 of their stores across the nation. The 28-square foot machines will allow you to […]

>Word of the Day

>In keeping with the Olympic spirit, today’s word of the day is: Reach Definition of Reach: The approximate number of people (or households) exposed to a particular advertising media or media schedule during a specified time. …for instance, the USA-China game had more viewers than any other basketball game in history. Any guesses on how […]

>Marketing a Giant or Giant Marketing

>Whatever you call it there is no mistake that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing China has taken the world stage. From the impressive opening ceremony all eyes of the world are on China. This is their time and the international stage is set.OK now that my intro is out there I must let you […]

>Word of the Day

>Today’s word of the day: Stickiness Definition of stickiness: (not that kind of stickiness on your fingers after eating something!) This definition refers to approximately how often people will return to a Web site.

>Word of the Day

>Today’s word of the day: Ambush Marketing Definition of Ambush Marketing: An attempt, made deliberately, to gain the benefits of being associated with a major event (such as the Olympics) without being a licensed and official sponsor of the event, or without paying the fees associated with official sponsorship.